Sunday, September 7, 2014

Project Crochet Brooches

I have been making homemade paper for the past couple of weekends and I have no idea what I am going to do with all of it, but here is a start. 

I'm back to doodling with my crochet, before I start my next pattern. 

I though it would be fun to embroidery on the homemade paper, so I have pulled out the books and I am starting to practice some stitches. 

In the meantime, I though I would be interesting to incorporate crochet, and the homemade paper and a little bit of embroidery and start a little project of making brooches for gifts this Christmas. 

I am really enjoying simplicity of the project and working with the different elements.

I just wanted to pop in and share this with you.

See you soon with a new crochet pattern that I am designing. 
