Saturday, November 26, 2011

Side Tracked

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful Holiday. I just love cooking and eating all the food. Of course it is tradition around here to put the tree up the weekend following Thanksgiving.

The tree is up but it will take me several days to form the branches and then comes pulling out all those memories of past years events.

I am one to go on my adventures and pick up items, such as a rock, pine cone, napkin, card, whatever it may be and save it as my souvenir.

This year, I decided to hand down my tradition of crafting with the things I pick up on my adventure throughout the year and making ornaments for the tree to another family. I was invited to attend the pumpkin patch farm with them and it was a blast. The corn maze, which I have never experienced before was so fun. Watching the children run and play and laugh is always a wonderful thing.

Sometimes I think we forget that the happiest times in our lives is not about money or the things we have, but about the spirit of play. It really doesn't cost anything to run, jump, walk and laugh and it brings such joy when shared with others.

As I walked around, I started noticing the rocks and small pine cones. I though well, I might as well pick up one of each and make something for my tree.

I finally began creating on Thanksgiving Day my ornaments for the tree in remembrance of the event. As I worked with the pine cone, I thought, I need to give this to the family that invited me and share my tradition with them. Maybe they will, maybe they won't incorporate it, but hopefully they will appreciate it.

I still need to make something with the rock, but the pine cone ornament is finished and delivered. I think it was well received and will be enjoyed for many years.

I even used some of my vintage buttons and the stuffing as always, is plastic grocery bags. I thought it was so cute that I had to go back several times and admire it and count the stitching so I can make myself one. That is not an item I would make over and over again, so there was no need for me to write the pattern down. Especially a gift as a memory, they are one of a kind and based on what I know of the person and what I feel will bring the happy thoughts.

I can say, I have seen these from other crafters floating around but this is a one time gift that I thought reflective of the person so no need for me to write patterns and I am sure there are some out there.

So here is my whimsical owl with pine cone. I like the idea of crocheting a square of rectangular shape and then turning that into something. So now, back to working with my tree and pulling out the ornaments.

Have a great weekend........

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