Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cork Gnome

It is so busy that I am pulling things together at the last minute. As I fill the empty wine bottles with cranberries and water and place a long stemmed flower in the bottle, I realize that my Holiday is coming together just fine.

I have the task of what to do with the cork. I think just placing them in one of the apothecary jars would suffice. These are funner though. Wine cork crochet gnomes.

Of course, by now everyone knows I love mushrooms and I have had this vintage glass mushroom sitting on the counter for probably close to year or more and haven't done a thing with it.

Fill with some ornaments and pine cones and I am set. Now to make some Christmas color clothing for the gnomes.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Light Bulb Ornament

I just don't have enough time in the day to accomplish what I want to do. I'll get what I think I should get done but the rest will have to fall on another day.

I really did need to go into today, but with the car accident on Friday, I am just a little sore and it will have to wait until tomorrow.

I haven't accomplished much today but rest and work on a few projects.

My intentions were to give everyone an ornament from a burned out light bulb. That just isn't going to happen, so I have came up with something else which I will share later.

I suppose I could give the team I work with the light bulb ornament instead.

This is what I came up with.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Freeform Crochet

I am not patient enough to do the larger projects such as afghans. My issue is I start them and then they get pushed aside and I don't seem to finish them. The only larger project I seem to be able to complete are the crochet rugs. The stitch is so large they seem to be fast and easy to me.

I had a friend inquire, are you going to make an afghan with the spiral granny square I made and yes, it would be nice, but it would never get done. I thought to myself, what am I going to do with this piece. It is not exactly a recycle craft. Then it dawned on me that I could use it in combination with my creations.

I decided that I will do a little freeform crochet and create a purse and the main focal point would be the spiral granny square.

You all have them, I know I do, the one offs on the place mats. Usually one buys these in sets and one wears out faster, one gets lost, you know where I am going with this.

This is a great opportunity for me to use that place mat and design a freeform crochet purse and practice different stitches, use up some buttons that I have made from old clothing, and make buttons with the water bottle caps to use as the closure.

It is freeform, no rules, just your hook and imagination.

Have a lovely week and here is the starting of my freeform crochet purse.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Spiral Granny Square

I really don't have much to talk about this week. Busy getting ready for Christmas and working all the time.

The only thing I accomplished this week was putting one of my daughter's gift together and crocheting.

I did attempt to make a spiral crochet granny square. I think it turned out pretty good for my first attempt. I need to modify this to give it a more square look. I love the new modern crochet.

Next week I will be working on crafts for fiends and others.

I did finally get the branches situated on the tree, now I can hang the ornaments. I am glad I do the majority of my shopping and gift making during the summer. I dislike the crowds during this time of year.