Thursday, August 1, 2013

Christmas Slippers

Yesterday, I attempted to design Christmas slipper charms to use with my packaging, but it just isn't happening. I have attempted to many times and they are just not coming out the way I want.  I will come back to them, but for now, just set it aside and give it a rest.

I do plan on listing my bottle ring snowflakes, but that will not be until October.  I am excited to say, that I am attempting to start a new vintage crochet pattern today.

Oh, and a new recipe is on the way.   I have so many crossing my desk, that I just couldn't decide which one to try.

I think this week is pretty much not happening as far as attempting to design, create, and cook on a normal level.  This is my last week with my Daughter, so she is packing her things and I am reorganizing and filling the empty spots.

Funny how the dogs know she is going.  Her little wiener dog is starting to scream whenever she goes out the front door, amongst other things that we won't talk about.

It will be an adjustment, we have been together for a very long time, but I am also very excited for her and preparing to start a new chapter in my life.

See you tomorrow,
