Sunday, May 11, 2014

Knook Contest Winner and a Bottlecap Butterfly Pattern

Happy Mother's Day!!!

I've been tinkering with a few crochet patterns for a couple of weeks now, so I thought it would be fun to share the plastic bottle cap butterfly pattern for Mother's Day.

For this project you will need:

Two plastic bottle caps that are the same size. 
Two Fuzzy Sticks
Two small beads of your choice
4 ply worsted yarn of your choice
F Hook

You will need to crochet over the two plastic bottle caps. 

The pattern to cover a plastic bottle cap is here.

To Attach the fuzzy stick body and legs:

Take one of the fuzzy sticks and fold evenly in half.  Twist the bottom several times to the folded fuzzy stick about 1" above the fold line to form the tail. 

With the top side of the covered plastic bottle caps, you will need to slide a stem through the side of the bottle cap, and then do the same with the other stem and cap.  Slide the caps down the stem so that they are against the tail.  Twist the top of the two stems together to hold the caps in place.  Take two small beads and place one on each stem for the eyes.  Curl the top of the stems to form your antennas. 

Take the other fuzzy stick and cut in half.  Slide the sticks from top to bottom on the back of each cap.  Form the legs to your desire. 



P.S.  Our winner for the Knook kit and yarn Giveaway is Lynda..