Sunday, June 9, 2013

Halloween Mini Top Hat

I finally found the perfect pattern for a mini top hat.  As you know, I only work with an F hook.  The pattern does call for a G hook, fortunately this pattern gave a gauge and I was able to adjust my tension and produce the cutest hat with such a well written pattern.

Accessorising the hat became a major project.  So many possibilities and ideas ran through my head, that it ended up taking hours of pure pleasure.

I always have that need to produce something that recycles or re purposes a product that might end up in our landfills, and I was able to use 2 bottle caps with this project.

I know, a little early for Halloween, but I have a few to make and each one will have different accessories to create, besides it makes the desert heat a little more bearable this time of year.

The dogs and I will defiantly be in style this year when we walk around the block to check out the decorated houses and hear the excitement from the kids running from house to house yelling trick or treat.

I purchased the mini top hat pattern from Petra at  Her website is one of my favorite and is well worth checking out.