Thursday, February 23, 2012

Crochet Plastic Beads

Yes, I am one of those people that wear a Lanyard. If I don't, I will forget my badge, and that my friends is a very uncomfortable feeling for me. I was thinking that I would crochet some beaded necklaces or straps in different colors to go with my attire. As I am fumbling for my thread size needles, I ran across a bag of those plastic mardi gras bead necklaces that my Mother won while playing bingo.

I opened the bag and, wow, I couldn't believe it, I could still smell her. Granted, I did go ahead and cover one of the necklaces, but I think I will probably place it back in the bag, and keep the presence of my Mother.

I am very much impressed with how it turned out. You could use this with the plastic beaded garland as well. This is the basic pattern I used to make this.

I used a cotton tread size 10 and a US hook size 6.

My philosophy on the hook size is what you feel comfortable with and what works for you.

The plastic bead necklace is of your choice and they just need to have a gap in between them to be able to single crochet.

Keep in mind, this is very basic, so you could always continue around and add a more dramatic border.

Slip stitch in between two of the beads.
Chain 3
Single crochet between the next two beads
Continue to do this until you finish completely around the necklace.
What I found is once I finished around the necklace it naturally just rolls and you can continue the process and complete the other side of the necklace without ending off.
Once you have completed both sides, slip stitch in between two beads and fasten off.

Depending on size of the bead and your tension you will chain stitch so that it covers half of a bead so that you are able to single crochet between the next two beads.

I am real simple, but you could use your imagination and continue on with this process once this base border is establish and create a more dramatic border.

Any of you out there that attempts this, let me know it these instructions are clear and concise. This is the first that I have written and I want to start writing some tutorials to share.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Plarn and Yarn Coasters

I am into so much color right now, it is just unbelievable. If I could learn how to combine all colors like the Fiestaware, I think I would be in heaven. I have started collecting the Fiestaware and I can not believe how all colors go together. Being colorblind has always been a challenge to me, but as time goes on, mixing different colors becomes more and more acceptable and easier for me. Today, I am working on pattens for coasters. What could be do difficult about that? Using a regular 4 ply yarn and plarn is my challenge. Getting that perfect stitch so that the plarn and yarn look balanced. Plarn, I find is very hard on the hands but I think the results are just fantastic. So here is a sampling of my recycle crafts using plastic bag yarn. You could also use these as scrubbies for dishes or in the bath as well.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Wine Bottle Covers/George Cross

Last weekend was spent trying to clean up the yard and figure out what to do with those branches and weeds and cutting that we all love. A compost would be the ideal solution but no, I always have to figure out how to bring everything in the house. On top of it, I have collected a few wine bottles and the glass is such a nice thick glass that I can't help but rescue them from anyone who will give them to me. I did finally come up with a pattern for the wine bottles and resolved the issue on what to do with the branches from the trees. A perfect decoration for me, because I like to have those one of a kind items.

The picture in the background is a self portrait that my Daughter drew. She is a true artist and I really admire her work. I have always considered myself a crafter. The other day, she mentioned that I should degree in fiber arts, it was such a compliment, because I have such respect for her art, that I was overwhelmed that she considered my hobby as an art. With that in mind, it is something that I will consider pursuing, she definitely motivated me.

The past few years for me with crafting, is creating. I have always used patterns, bought kits and made things based from others creations, but with my motivation to not fill up the land fills, I have actually had to create and think of new patterns on my own.

Today, was about making the George Cross motif, one of my favorite and from the pattern, came a new idea for a flower. That is what I am finding out about myself, everything I touch or see, leads me to see something else and the the process of creating begins. I can't think of anything more rewarding.