Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bottle Ring Crochet Spider Web Pattern

My regular occupation is very black and white and in a box.  In other words, it is a set of rules with no flexibility.  That is defiantly not a complaint but just a fact and I love my career choice, but we also need balance and crafting and cooking does that for me.  

I think that is why I like to craft and cook so much.  It brings balance I need, there are no rules when creating and using your imagination and a great deal of flexibility for me, my time to think outside the box with no structure.

I say one thing, I do another, have you noticed that about me?

Wasn't I suppose to put up more vintage patterns and a recipe today?

I bought some pumpkins yesterday and look what happened.

The smaller pumpkins I bought are for cooking and I plan on making homemade pumpkin puree.  I will share that with you soon.  In the meantime, I bought a bigger one, and I am planning to make infused pumpkin vodka with it. They will make great Thanksgiving gifts.  I just like to make them, not drink them.

With that in mind, I don't want to carve into my bigger pumpkin this year, so I will do better and crochet all my Halloween decorations and dress that pumpkin right up.

I am going to try and recycle and share those patterns with you.

We can do a week long series of decorating a pumpkin by crocheting, how about that?

So the first thing I decided, I wanted to do with my pumpkin is put a spider web on.  Since spiders are my theme this year, why not?

Here is how I made the spider web covering for my pumpkin. I did make it larger than the pumpkin, because I want to stretch it out and lay the ends over smaller pumpkin and gourd stems that will be sitting in front of the big pumpkin, because my spider is a busy spider.  

These are really simple to make and easy to modify to your liking.


Plastic Bottle Ring -I used a bottle ring from a milk jug.  I tested it to make sure it fit on the stem.  You can use any size you like, just as long as it fits on the stem of your pumpkin.

This is written in American Standard Terms:

4 ply worsted yarn - you can use any yarn you like, that includes color.

F Hook - you can use any size you want.


sl - slip stitch
ch - chain
dc - double crochet
tr - treble crochet
dtr - double treble crochet
trtr - treble treble crochet

Here we go:

Place the hook inside your ring.

Slip knot your yarn onto your hook and pull it back through the ring and slip stitch onto the ring.

Row 1:     Ch 4, *dc onto the ring and chain 1*, repeat between * until your ring is covered, join with a sl into the 3rd ch on the first ch 4 made.  

Using an F hook and 4 ply yarn I made 20 sets of the (dc, ch 1), in row 1.  Depending on your ring, hook and yarn, there may be a variance for everyone and that's ok.

Row 2:    Ch 5, *dc into the next dc on previous round and chain 2*, repeat between * , join with a sl into the 3rd ch on the ch 4 made.

Row 3:     Ch 6, *dc into the next dc on previous round and chain 3*, repeat between * , join with a sl into the 3rd ch on the ch 4 made.     .

Row 4:     Ch 8, *tr into the next dc on previous round and ch 4*, repeat between *, join with  sl into the 4th ch on the ch 4 made.

Row 5:     Ch 9, *tr into the next tr on previous round and ch 5*, repeat between*, join with sl into the 4th ch on the ch 9 made.

Row 6:     Ch 10, *tr into the next tr on previous round and ch 6*, repeat between*, join with sl into the 4th ch on the ch 10 made.

Row 7:     Ch 12 *dtr into the next tr on previous round and ch 7*, repeat between*, join with sl into the 5th ch on ch 12 made.

Row 8:     Ch 13 *dtr into the next dtr on previous round and ch 8*, repeat between*, join with a sl into the 5th ch on ch 13 made.

Row 9:     Ch 14  *dtr into the next dtr on previous round and ch 9, repeat between*, join with a sl into the 5th ch on ch 14 made.

Row 10:    Ch 16, *trtr onto the next dtr on previous round and ch 10, repeat between:, join with  sl into the 6th ch on ch 16 made.

That is as far as I took mine.  I did not want to cover to the bottom because I have other plans.  Keep in mind that you may buy a different shape of a pumpkin and want your gaps to be different, just remember that on your next round that you want to increase a ch between each st, or maybe not depending on your pumpkins shape.  Just play with the stitches and get a feel for it then you can decide how you want the web to spread on your pumpkin.

My pumpkin is about 12" tall and 33" in diameter at the widest point.

We need a spider for the web.  If you haven't made my bottle cap spider yet, go to search this blog at the top and search for spider pattern and make yourself a spider and place it on your web.

I want my pumpkin to to have character, so tomorrow we will make eyes for the pumpkin.   Then we can start filling the spider web with crochet goodies for the spider...........

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