Thursday, October 17, 2013

Muti-tasking Today

I am busy, busy today.  I don't think I will have updates until later this afternoon.

What I have in the works:

Making homemade pumpkin puree (this is in the works)
Making cinnamon ornaments
Pumpkin seed snacks
A new crochet trinket for our pumpkin decorating (and I think it will be a crochet bottle cap ghost)
Slow cooker caramel
A new crochet pattern design and I won't mention what that is but it is functional and cute.  I know I won't get this done today.
A re-image of a vintage crochet apron.

Not sure I can get it all done, but I am going to give it my best shot.

Any particular order you would like me to do these in?

I really need to know that I am not just entertaining myself out here......

Encourage me,


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