Sunday, November 20, 2011

T-Shirt Rag Rug

Here is the starting of my t-shirt rag rug. It will be a colorful one. Good practice before I start working with blue jean material for the rug I am going to make for the living room. I am using whatever t-shirts I have around the house that are worn out or not worn anymore.

In the process of starting the rug that will be going in the room where the dogs have taken over, another idea comes to mind to make dog collar necklaces for the dogs. I am not sure that Boston the Boston Terrier will enjoy it but the Shotzy the doxi will.

The nice thing about the rugs are they are washable. I love my pets just as much as I love my children, but they are a higher maintenance and carpet and dogs just don't seem to mix in my house. I have not been able to train my dogs or my children to not track dirt in, take your shoes off, wash your paws. As you can see, I am not a carpet person at all.

The one nice thing though, is the majority of the house has tile or prego flooring. The bedrooms have carpet, so we are slowly but surely pulling it up and replacing it with the fake wood floors, but for now the spare room gets painted as we work on the other rooms. It will take me months to figure out what I want in the rooms. These kind of decisions are always so difficult for me.

Sea Life Crochet

My weeks are becoming more and more busy as year end approaches. I don't seem to have the time to craft as much as I would like to. I am putting together my sea life series of crochet bottle caps. These are always so fun to create. Writing the instructions on how to create them is another.

I have so many ideas and just not enough time. I have noticed about myself, as I work on one project in the back of my mind there is another stewing away for my attention. Most of the time I have to drop the projects I am currently working on and get the next started in order not to loose my thoughts.

As I create and design my bottle cap sea life series, I am sitting here crocheting and realize that, wow, I need more color in my home. I have always stuck to reds and I really need a more cool color as in blues. When I entered this home it was already custom painted on the inside and I like all the rooms, but my living room is so dark with the dark brown paint. I have been contemplating painting it a light gray. So, four years later, I am still looking at dark brown walls. Painting is not a pastime that I really enjoy, but still today, I would like to see them light gray so that I can incorporate any color or a multitude of colors in the living room.

I am thinking well, I can start to change the color out by crocheting a rug out of T-Shirts, great idea, so I started one. What color do you think I start with, yes, red. Since it is a practice one, it will be very colorful, as I work with the technique. I am of course making excuses for why it is ok to start out with red when I want to change to a more cool color palette.

I think the only resolution is, make the rug out of blue jean yarn and use the t-shirts for other projects.

Then I say to myself, get back on track, stick with the sea life series and finish designing and creating. I have completed my crab, jelly fish and working on a star fish, just two more, then I can start the rugs.

I am very excited about Thanksgiving this year. My daughter has the day off, which I am thrilled about. With school and work, I don't know how one keeps that kind of schedule. Amazes me, the drive and motivation people have to accomplish their personal development and goals.

At the end of the day though, it about the connection that we have with our family and friends and this should be a fabulous Thanksgiving.