Thursday, January 26, 2012

Plastic Bottle Ring Hand Towel Holder

I love, love, love this one. The most difficult part of the plastic bottle is the middle section of the bottle. I struggle with what to create with the part of the bottle in order to keep it out of the land fills. When, I do think of something, I am right on it.

One could also hang it over a hanger and use it to hang their scarves and belts or even jewelry.

I am trying to write my first tutorial and I believe this one will be the one to try and write.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blue Jean Rag Rug

I don't know about you but I wear my blue jeans until they just can't be worn anymore. They are so worn that I can't even sale them at a garage sale. There has to be something you can do with the material, right.....

Since my living room is so dark, this is a great way to brighten up, through color, lighter coolers. Cut off the legs to the jeans and make yarn with the material and crochet away.

With year end at work, I just don't have a lot of time to craft but this is a project I can pick up and work on for a couple of minutes to satisfy that need. Sometimes we have stopping points with our crafts and for me that is ok, because it never fails, that if I am not crafting I am thinking about it and that is when all these new ideas come to mind. I would have to say, there is a reason things happen the way they do.

Hopefully by this weekend, things will slow down and I will have time to create some new ideas that are stewing around in my head.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bringing in the Year

December went so fast and before you know it, Christmas was over. I decided that I would keep the tree up until the end of January to inspire me to make new ornaments. I am so much into recycling plastic bottles that it has actually became an obsession. The center of the bottle is what I tend to struggle with.

I finally think I found something to do with this section of the bottle. I think the most time consuming part of recycling crafts is the preparation of the product you are using.

This project is fun that this is what I have been making for several weeks now. These are made from the center of the plastic bottle and cut down into ring strips to the size I think will be appealing. I just love the fact that I can crochet over these strips and keep the plastic out of the landfills and also practice different crochet stitches.

I am going to use these as a frame for my Christmas cards that I receive. I really don't like to throw the cards out because they hold memories but sitting in a drawer is just not getting it anymore. You can do so many patterns and colors, it is just limitless.

I love them and they have brought in the New Year with passion and fresh new ideas.

I hope that everyone has a joyous and prosperous New Year.....