Thursday, July 11, 2013


This salsa with made with Kraft Italian Dressing.  It is a keeper for me.  My Daughter ate this so fast, it didn't even stand a chance to sit and savor.

Here is where you can find the recipe.

Yesterday, my Daughter and I took a trip to Ikea.  I found the cutest little bowls that hold a couple of tablespoons of spices, butters, oils...........I just had to have them.  They will be perfect for holding my smaller ingredients until my meats or batters are ready for their arrival.

My Daughter has only a couple of weeks to teach me how to take better pictures.  I think she is doing a great job.  She lectured me big time about the photograph with the toilet paper roll in it and insisted that I take it out.  I refuse to remove it, it shows my progress and lets her know that someday she will be a great teacher in her field.