Sunday, June 3, 2012

Granny Squares

It must have taken close to a day to clear my dining room table. It was piled high with crafts and unfinished crafts. I have decided that I will not let that happen again. I am going to stick to one project at a time and completed it before I start the next. I am not really working on a recycle craft right now but I am going to share with you what I am working on. Several weeks ago, I hit a couple of garage sales and found a fairly large box of material. Lot of material and some bed sheets and what not. For $3.00, I could not pass it up. I thought to myself, I can practice my granny squares and make a top with granny square border on the top and bottom of the top. I did finish crocheting the wine bottle covers tho.
For some reason the wine bottle cover made me think of designing a top with granny squares in it. The material is off to the side and a sample of the granny square, (not in those colors). This will be my first attempt to make clothing but, I have to give it a try.
So, I woke up this morning and stared my granny squares. In the process of all this, I am thinking a summer dress might be nice too. I don't know what I am going to end up making but I am on my way. That red velvet cake is my energy source. Not the best breakfast in the morning but it kept calling my name. I can say tho, that the sheets that are in the box of material will come in handy for making yarn for my crochet rug.