Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!!

I'm one of those people that make Goals every year rather than New Year's Resolutions.

How about you?

I make a long list of goals, and I know I won't get them all done, but being able to mark off some of them gives the feeling of accomplishment, versus making a resolution and possibly feeling that I failed.  You know what I'm talking about.

After reviewing what I jotted down, it seems, that I have a need to be better organized.

2014 will be about developing new habits and getting organized.

Keep an eye out for:

new crochet patterns that can assist with organizing
lots of new recipes, as I go through oodles of clipped magazine recipes over the years
letting go, (I dare not say how many totes), of items in totes that I have saved for years and listing on eBay.
sharing a lot of recycle crafts

As you can see, I am eager to become more minimal.....

and last but not least, to focus on me......we need to pamper ourselves, don't you agree?

I hope you will join me on my journey and share your thoughts and ideas this year, because the monthly giveaways, will be all about You!!!

Don't forget about the current giveaway, go here, to get the details!!!

Wishing you a blank canvas, and tools of your choice, to create a magnificence year!!!
