Saturday, November 23, 2013

Crochet Plastic Bottle Cap Baubles

What a wonderful day approaching, overcast skies, a chill in the air, drizzling rain. Time to pull out the wine glasses, cuddle with the pups under the comforters, and make crochet plastic bottle cap baubles.

I have a lot of  ideas brewing this morning for crochet bottle caps, and I want to get this basic crochet bauble out there, so that in the future I can lead you to this page for upcoming patterns without re-posting the basics.

These are really cute with buttons sewn on each side to use as a small gift tag or ornament.

Here is the basic pattern:

Supplies Needed:

1 plastic bottle cap 

4 ply yarn of  your color choice 

F/5 3.75mm Hook

The pattern I am giving is basic and you will need to modify the rounds based on the size of the cap.  The cap I am using is a standard soda bottle cap.

This is in American Standard Terms.

Ch = Chain
Rnd = Round
Sc = single crochet
YO = yarn over

Here we go:

Ch 2
Rnd 1:   Sc in the second chain from hook (5 times), do not join (5 sc)
Rnd 2:   2 sc in each sc from the previous round (5 times), do not join (10 sc)
Rnd 3:   2 sc in each sc from the previous round (10 times), do not join (20 sc)
Rnd 4:   1 sc in each sc from the previous round (20 times), do not join (20 sc)
Rnd 5:   1 sc in each sc from the previous round (20 times), do not join (20 sc)

At this point, test and make sure that the crochet rounds you have made cover the outside of the bottle cap.  Place the cap inside the crochet rounds you have made. You should see only the opening to the bottle cap.  If you are using a smaller bottle cap, you may need to only do one round of 20 single crochet.  If you are using a larger bottle cap you may need to do another round or two of 20 single crochets.  Just make sure that when you place the bottle cap inside of your crochet rounds that the last round you completed goes up to the top rim or just a little over the rim on the cap. 

Now to decrease:

Rnd 6:   Place the hook through the next sc, yo, pull through, place your hook through the next sc, yo and                  pull through, you should have three stitches on your hook, now yo and pull through all three stitches.              You will need to do this 9 more times for a total of 10 sc decreases. 

At this point, when looking at your work, you are starting to form a ball, go ahead and place your cap into this ball with the rim at the top of your last crocheted round. 

Then what I do is I fill the inside of the cap with scrap yarn cuttings that have been treated with lavender linen spray.  This is optional, but it puts out a fresh scent and it also keeps any moths or fiber eating bugs away.  If you opt to do this, go up to the top where my, search this blog is, and type in, linen spray.  This will give you the mixture I use. I just soak my scrap yarn cuttings in a little bit of this and let them dry out in an enclosed container.  You could use any scents that you like.  I just don't like bugs all that much. 

Rnd 7:   Once you have the cap inside the ball that you have made, with or without the yarn scarps, you will continue to decrease until closed and then fasten off and weave your yarns in.  Usually this is about 5 more sc decreases. 

For me today is going to be spent covering plastic bottle caps.  It's a great way to use up scrap yarns and I love to fill vases with fresh flowers, by cutting off the top of a plastic water bottle and placing this in the vase and then filling the crochet bottle caps along the sides.  Wow, talk about a running sentence.....

