Monday, February 20, 2012

Plarn and Yarn Coasters

I am into so much color right now, it is just unbelievable. If I could learn how to combine all colors like the Fiestaware, I think I would be in heaven. I have started collecting the Fiestaware and I can not believe how all colors go together. Being colorblind has always been a challenge to me, but as time goes on, mixing different colors becomes more and more acceptable and easier for me. Today, I am working on pattens for coasters. What could be do difficult about that? Using a regular 4 ply yarn and plarn is my challenge. Getting that perfect stitch so that the plarn and yarn look balanced. Plarn, I find is very hard on the hands but I think the results are just fantastic. So here is a sampling of my recycle crafts using plastic bag yarn. You could also use these as scrubbies for dishes or in the bath as well.

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